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New Hampshire is home to dozens of nonprofits that provide much needed services and once-in-a-lifetime experiences to Granite Staters. The staff members and volunteers who help these organizations run have hearts that beat for the communities they serve. Our nonprofits play a vital role in every town, in every region of our state, and help make New Hampshire be the best place it can be. In our “Nonprofit Profile” series, we’re introducing you to the many nonprofits from around the state, and the people who are behind them.

For our latest profile, we’re meeting with the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua and their executive director, Craig Fitzgerald. Read on to learn about how The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua is enabling young people, especially those who need the Club most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

New Hampshire Magazine: Tell us about yourself! What is your role at the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua

Craig Fitzgerald Bgcn Headshot

Craig Fitzgerald

Craig Fitzgerald: First and foremost, I am a Club kid! I started my journey at the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua when I was eight years old, and was an active Club member from 1985 to 1995 – my very first job was at the Club where I worked part-time as both a dishwasher and a laundry room attendant. After my time as a Club member, I went on to serve in the military as an Air Force Pararescueman, went back to school to complete a college degree and earn an MBA, and went on to serve as a management consultant. Today, as Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua, I am proud to lead an organization that serves all young people in the Greater Nashua area with a focus on engaging programs that allow youth to build skills and core values to reach their potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. We offer support to families from all backgrounds by providing year-round, affordable childcare, youth development programs and individual services, along with daily healthy meals and snacks, mental health and wellness support, and transportation to and from the Club at no additional cost.

As the Club’s Executive Director, I am responsible for overseeing all aspects of the organization to ensure it is running smoothly and fulfilling its mission on behalf of the youth we serve. This includes managing staff, developing programs, fundraising, and building relationships with community partners. I have enjoyed using my business background to drive innovation and growth within the Club; we are proud to have expanded our services to meet the evolving needs of youth in our community. Seeing the growth and development of the next generation of Club members firsthand, and being able to collaborate with a team of passionate individuals who are dedicated to creating a supportive environment for youth, is the opportunity of a lifetime.

NHM: What is the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Nashua’s mission?

CF: Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. We achieve this mission by reducing barriers to access to opportunities and resources youth need to thrive, providing a safe and fun environment, fostering trusting relationships with caring mentors, and building confidence that helps youth Build Great Futures.

NHM: When was the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua founded and why?

CF: The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua was founded in 1971 by a group of community leaders who recognized a need for a safe and welcoming place for children and teens to participate in constructive activities during out-of-school time. These founding members sought to provide a supportive environment for youth to learn, grow, and develop essential life skills while engaging in recreational and educational opportunities. Over the past 50 years, our Club has expanded its programs and services to serve a diverse population of young people in the Greater Nashua area, empowering them to reach their full potential to become productive, caring, responsible citizens.

NHM: How did you get involved?

CF: I am living proof of the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua’s impact; I was eight-years-old when I first stepped foot into the organization. As an “everyday Club Kid,” I grew up under the wing of the staff and volunteers at the Club, who taught me lessons that still have a positive impact on my life today. My mentors helped me believe in myself and encouraged me to try new things… little did I know those lifelong lessons and connections would bring me back to leading this very organization 40 years later!

I joined the team in 2021, after being recruited for the Executive Director position by a mentor and Boys & Girls Club of America executive who happened to be my former teen program director. I continue to be inspired by the next generation of young people who utilize the services that our Club provides. With equitable access to resources and opportunities, the next generation will shape our community for the better with their innovative ideas, passion for change, and commitment to building a better future for all.

NHM: What services do you provide?


Fitzgerald with a club kid during an activity.


CF: Our Club serves children ages 6-weeks through 18 years old from over forty towns in our community through full day early learning care and out-of-school programming. We work to achieve our mission by promoting the pillars of Academic Success, Good Character and Citizenship, Fun, and Healthy Lifestyles.

Membership costs $40 annually, just 1.68% of our actual cost to serve each child. Our low-cost membership eliminates economic barriers to access for young people; Club membership includes:

  • out-of-school programming (we are open 6:30am until 8:00pm)
  • daily hot meals and snacks (over 50,000 hot meals served per year)
  • transportation to and from the Club (over 90,000 miles per year)
  • access to mental health support from certified clinicians at no cost and with no waitlist
  •  enrichment activities focused on STEM, athletics, academics, cultural arts, and aquatics
  • mentorship from caring adults
  • basic needs provided to families throughout the year, to include clothing, food, hygiene products, holiday support, and more!Our programs uplift and empower all young people in our community to meet their full potential as leaders. Our 2024 Youth of the Year Xiadani states, “my objective is to have a positive impact on this world, not only with my words but with my actions. My ultimate goal would be to guide young youth as I was once guided when I first started at the Club.” All programs are intended to develop leaders like Xiandani.

NHM: How has the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua grown since its beginning?

CF: The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua has experienced significant growth since its inception, expanding its reach and impact in the community. From humble beginnings, the organization has grown to serve over 1,700 youth annually through programs and services. With the support of dedicated staff, volunteers, and community partners, the Club has been able to provide a safe and enriching environment for youth through innovative programming and continued commitment to its mission. In the last year and a half, we made the decision to expanded the ages served by our Club to include children ages 6-weeks through five years old through full-day early childhood care. This decision was made in direct response to community need, and allows us to provide a safe, loving environment for our community’s youngest members and also allows us to empower working parents through reliable, affordable child care.

While the scale of the Club’s impact on youth has increased since our founding, the adverse experiences many children in our community face, from poverty and food insecurity to divorce and exposure to substance misuse, have also been exacerbated. This is why continuing the organization’s more than 50 year legacy as a community resource that bridges gaps in access to affordable learning, mental health counseling, athletics, and mentorship for children, ages six-weeks to 18-years-old, is so important to me. This year, the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua will serve over 1,700 Club kids – approximately 250 kids a day – as well as an additional 5,000 community members who utilize the organization’s sports and recreational facilities, including our gymnasium and pool.

NHM: What’s next? What are you looking to do over the course of the next year?


CF: Now more than ever, youth development programs are needed to ensure our children have access to the resources needed to thrive. We recognize that, for many children, the Club is their home away from home. To ensure we are meeting the evolving needs of youth today, and to ensure the sustainability of the Club for the generations to come, we have embarked on a $10M capital campaign titled, The Power of YOUth.

The Power of YOUth capital campaign is raising funds to provide dynamic and engaging youth programming in the safest, most welcoming environment possible. Funds raised will allow us to improve building safety, revamp our kitchen to nearly double the free meals we serve, upgrade our aquatics and athletic facilities, expand our childcare capacity, add new STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Math) program areas, add counseling rooms for our most vulnerable youth, and expand our outdoor footprint so our members can enjoy fun activities in the fresh air. This campaign will also help ensure sustainability for future generations by contributing to our Club’s endowment.

The children we serve are absolutely amazing and have endless potential, but many of them face significant obstacles. Together, we have the power to transform their lives by giving them the tools needed to Build Great Futures. We hope you will join us by investing in the lives of our community’s youngest members.

NHM: What is the impact that the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua is looking to make in New Hampshire and beyond?

CF: We are looking to make a significant impact in New Hampshire and beyond by providing a safe and positive environment for children and teens to learn, grow, and thrive. By offering programs and activities focused on academic success, healthy lifestyles, and character development, the Club aims to empower young people to reach their full potential and become productive, responsible citizens. Through mentorship, leadership opportunities, and access to resources and support, the Club is working towards breaking the cycle of poverty, crime, and academic underachievement that many youth face in the region.

We are dedicated to bridging the opportunity gap for underserved communities by offering affordable, high-quality programs and services that help level the playing field for children and families in need. By providing access to resources such as academic support, career readiness training, and social-emotional learning opportunities, the Club is working towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society where all young people have the chance to succeed. Through partnerships with local schools, businesses, and community organizations, the Club is able to maximize its impact and reach even more children and families in the region.

We are committed to creating lasting change in the lives of the youth it serves by instilling values such as respect, integrity, and teamwork that will serve them well throughout their lives. By fostering a sense of belonging and connection within the community, we are helping to build strong foundations for future success and wellbeing. Through a focus on education, career readiness, and life skills development, the Club is equipping young people with the tools they need to navigate the challenges of today’s world and become leaders of tomorrow. The impact of the Club’s work extends far beyond its immediate community, as the skills and values instilled in its members have the potential to positively influence our state as a whole.

NHM: What has been your favorite part about working for your the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua

CF: My favorite part about working for the Club is being able to witness the positive impact we have on the lives of children and families in our community. The feeling of knowing that the programs and services we provide are making a difference in the lives of young people, helping them succeed in school, develop important life skills, and build confidence, is truly rewarding. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the children we serve and knowing that we are helping to create a brighter future for them is what motivates me on a daily basis.

As a Boys & Girls Club alum, it is especially rewarding to be able to give back to an organization that played such a significant role in shaping who I am today. The Club provided me with a safe and supportive environment where I was able to learn and grow, develop new interests and skills, and form lasting friendships. Being able to now work for the organization that has had such a profound impact on my life is incredibly fulfilling. I am grateful for the opportunity to help create similar positive experiences for the next generation of Club kids and to be a part of an organization that is dedicated to empowering young people to reach their full potential.

NHM: How can our readers get involved?

CF: There are several ways for our readers to get involved with the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua. One option is to become a volunteer, where individuals can work directly with our members to provide guidance, support, and positive role modeling. Another way to get involved is through donations to support our annual fundraising and/or The Power of YOUth capital campaign, which help fund our programs and ensure that we can continue to provide quality services to the youth in our community.

Additionally, individuals can participate in our fundraisers, which not only raise awareness and support for our organization but also create opportunities for community engagement and connection.

We also encourage readers to spread the word about our organization and the work that we do. By sharing our mission and impact with their friends, family, and colleagues, they can help us reach more people who may be interested in getting involved or supporting our cause. Ultimately, by coming together as a community and working toward our common goal of empowering and inspiring young people, we can make a lasting and meaningful difference in the lives of the youth in Greater Nashua. To learn more, volunteer, or donate, visit

Categories: Nonprofits, People, Q&A