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We selected eight of the best lawyers from around the state for portraits and asked them to share a favorite quotation and to tell us why they love what they do. These profiles appeared along with Woodward/White’s annual Best Lawyers in America list, as published in our November issue.

“Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.”
— Sherrilyn Kenyon

“My educational background was in engineering, and I approach legal problems the same way I would an engineering problem. Understand the legal principles that govern the situation, know your client’s business or dispute, develop a theme or strategy to address the problem or to build a case if litigation is inevitable or filed, then build the solution or case around that central theme. It saves time and money by not wasting the client’s resources on issues not relevant to the case, and promotes early resolution by identifying strengths and weaknesses in the client’s position. I seek to advise clients on good risk management strategies before the threat of litigation or an administrative enforcement action arises, but I am ready to represent them in litigation just in case they do.”

Lisa Snow Wade of Orr & Reno

Orr & Reno

45 S. Main Street

Categories: Top Lawyers